Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Singapore- Black and Yellow Broadbill (Eurylaimus ochromalus)

Fresh out of the mail box is this striking colored stamp of a Black and Yellow broadbill  (Eurylaimus ochromalus) cancelled perfectly at the Towner branch of Singapore Post.
 Check my other recent Singapore broadbill to see what the bird really looks like

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Mali- Common Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis )

Common Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis) to commemorate the 200th anniversary of John James Audubon

New Zealand- North Island Kokako (Callaeas wilson)

 North Island Kokako  (Callaeas wilson) cancelled at noon at Wellesley Street west Auckland

Ghana- Red-crowned bishop (Euplectes hordeaceus

Red-crowned bishop (Euplectes hordeaceus) formerly known as the Fire crowned bishop

New Zealand- Malherbe's Parakeet (Cyanoramphus malherbi)

Malherbe's Parakeet    Cyanoramphus malherbi
 from the 7v  Threatened Birds series year  2000. Cancelled at Christchurch

Denmark-Barn Swallow ( Hirundo rustica)

Delightful illustration of a pair of   Barn Swallow  ( Hirundo rustica) 
from the 1999 Migratory Birds series cancelled at Copenhagen

Australia- Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax)

The mighty Wedge-tailed eagle with a massive wingspan, appropriately cancelled here at Hunter Region Mail Centre in New South Wales.

British Guiana-Wattled jacana (Jacana jacana)

1954 QE II   Wattled Jacana  ( Jacana jacana) Cancelled at Georgetown, the capitol of British Guiana

New Zealand- Yellowhead (Mohoua ochrocephal)

From the Native birds series, 1988  vertical pair of  20 cent Yellowhead   ( Mohoua ochrocephal)
Cancelled at wellington.

New Zealand- ,South Island Saddleback (Philesturnus carunculatus)

1962 definitive series semi- postal ,health stamps ,South Island Saddleback    Philesturnus carunculatus

Zambia- Whale-headed Storks (Balaeniceps rex)

Zambia 1987 definitive series. 20K surcharged on the 2K stamp of a pair of Whale-headed Storks. Also known as Shoebills cancelled at Livingstone PO.

Singapore-Yellow Wagtail ( Moticilla flava)

Perfect strike on the 2007A printing of a definitive  45 cent
 Yellow Wagtail (Moticilla flava) cancelled at Singapore.


1953  QE II Mauritius Dodo cancelled at Port Louis

New Zealand - Spottless Crake (Porzana tabuensis)

From the 1991 Native birds series- Spotless Crake    (Porzana tabuensis) cancelled at Auckland

Nigeria-Blue breasted kingfisher

Blue breasted Kingfisher cancelled at Kaduna , Nigeria 1969

New Zealand- Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis)

Perfect bull's eye strike on this   New Zealand 1988 bird definitive. 30c  stamp depicts  Silvereye    (Zosterops lateralis). Cancelled  at Auckland RMB