Monday, 26 November 2012

Korea- Parus major or minor?

Republic  of Korea 2006 definitive stamp of the Japanese Tit (Parus minor) although on the stamp is written Parus major. The pictorial postmark is for a local stamp exhibition in the town of  Pyeongtaek with the theme being nature conservation.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Great Britain- Returned to Sender

These birds were really celebrating the unique date on the cancels, 11-11-11. What a tremendous journey they had  while dressed in the finest double  twisted ring postmarks, all the way from Montagu Est, Newcastle Upon Tyne to China.... and back again, and still in good condition. The first stamp is from 1989 RSPB set , 32p Eurasian Oystercatcher (haematopus ostralegus). The other birds are from the 1980 4v set issued for Wild Bird Protection. 13p Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus),10p Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), 11 1/2p White throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus). The bird covered by the RTS label is the Western Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava). 

Friday, 23 November 2012

Germany- Black Grouse

Another cover from West Germany cancelled at Dortmund 1965, on a 20pf+10pf semi-postal stamp for Child Welfare of the Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) SG # B263

Germany- Northern Goshawk

It's not easy to get birds on postal history  so it was a very  pleasant surprise to receive this cover in the mail last week from a friend in the UK. Cancelled in Ansbach, West Germany, you see a Northern Goshawk from the 4v set of Birds of Prey, on a semi-postal  stamp of 20pf+ 10pf in aid of Youth Welfare.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Denmark- Finches on ATM Labels

This is the second series of birds on ATM bird  labels for Denmark. The first were during 2011 and these  were issued in September 2012  featuring  photographs of 3 finches which are known to breed in Denmark. They are  The Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris), Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula), and  Hawfinch(Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
Thanks to my friend Peter for the clear postmarks from Copenhagen and nice arrangement of the stamps.

Qatar- Resident Species

Complete set of 2009 Qatar  set of birds flown all the way from Doha .
Lesser Grey Shrike   Lanius minor)   Common Chiffchaff    (Phylloscopus collybita)
 Western Yellow Wagtail  (  Motacilla flava)      Woodchat Shrike    (Lanius senator)
Eastern Orphean Warbler Sylvia crassirostris)    Isabelline Shrike   ( Lanius isabellinus)

USA- Cardinal, Robin & Meadowlark

Guam is an organized unincorporated territory of the USA located in the western Pacific Ocean where several Navy and Air force bases are maintained.
Postmarked at the Military Post Office (MPO) in Guam  on three stamps from the  USA 1982 series of State Birds.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Indonesia-Endangered Birds 2012

 Arrived today the 2012 latest issue of Endangered birds with the Bird Life logo from Indonesia.  Attractive stamps with minimal background , so the bird is clearly seen and identified. Cancelled at Jakapos office, each stamp  has the same value of  2500r.
 Elegant Sunbird    (Aethopyga duyvenbodei), Siau Scops Owl  (Otus siaoensis) ,  
 Flores Hawk-Eagle  (Nisaetus floris)   Invisible Rail   ( Habroptila wallacii)

Friday, 9 November 2012

Australia- Eagle and Penguin

Another clear postmark from Robina Post Office Shop cancelling the two latest bird stamps from Australia. Wedge-tailed eagle and the Little Penguins.


    More delightful ducks from the recent 2012 Waterbird series posted from  Robina Post Office Shop  on the Gold Coast, Queensland. The two stamps on this cover are the local postage rate of 60 cents,  Rajah Shelduck and a Pink-eared duck .The illustrated cover for this set features a Plumed Whistle duck

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Nicaragua- Five Birds on one cover

                                         Tropical birds are very colorful as you can see here on these
                                    stamps from the Nicaragua  Birds of America series issued 2000.
                                Posted from Leon, cancelled on 17 Feb 2009 with a large blue rectangle.
                                         The names of the birds are above and below the stamps.

                                   Keel-billed Toucan   ( Ramphastos sulfuratus )   Bananaquit   ( Coereba flaveola)

 Green Kingfisher   (Chloroceryle americana)  Scarlet Macaw  (Ara macao) Yellow-headed Amazon (Amazona oratrix)


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Canada-Peregrine Falcon

Since their first birds on stamps in 1946,Canada has  issued  many fine bird stamps including this large sized 2005  definitive of the Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)